showing 45 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Eye of the Beholder ?2022 adnd automap axes beholders bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows cartridge cephalopoids charactercreation classbased disguisedtriggers dnd doors download driders dualwielding dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elevators elves eob eviloverlord exploration fantasyworld femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forgottenrealms genderchoice giantinsects gridmove hazardouspowers heroprotagonist humans hunger insectoids inventory jewelry keyboard keys knives kobolds lockpicking magic magicweapons maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse multiclassing oneeyedcreatures polearms prerenderedcinematics pressureplates resting serious sewers skeletons slings sorcery spellmemory subterranean swords throwanything thrownweapons titularobject unarmedfighting undead weefolk xp-deeds xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
Dark Caves CP Verlag1994 bombs caveflying jetpack lives magazinecover score spiders subterranean labelimageminimize
Knötie in Cave Markt & Technik1992 animalprotagonist lives magazinecover score subterranean wormprotagonist worms labelimageminimize
Mike the Cave-Man Markt & Technik1991 ladders magazinecover score subterranean labelimageminimize
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op!  Image Works (Probe Software)1991 anthroprotagonist bossbattles cartoon city-newyork-ny earth latemodernperiod lives meleeweapons mp-cooperative multiprotagonists mutants ninja ninjaprotagonist nunchucks sai score staves subterranean swords teenprotagonist teens tmnt walking [b]THE RETURN OF THE AWESOME FOURSOME![/b]

Now two dudes or dudettes can join forces and double team Shredder™ and his turtle terminators in a bid to save April™ and Splinter™. Choose which lean, green turtle you control and haut shell around this fully scrolling version of the coin-op game and save April™ from a burning building. Meanwhile Splinter™ gets kidnapped and you must trash dodgy dudes Bebop™ and Rocksteady™ to set him free.***
Bigfoot  Codemasters (The Firm)1990 did lives rescue sasquatch score subterranean labelimageminimize
Clive Barker's Nightbreed: The Action Game  Ocean (Impact Software)1990 cemetery firearms ingametitle ladders lives movie rescue subterranean unarmedfighting You are Boone, one of the NIGHTBREED.

You begin your journey at the gates of the Necropolis, a graveyard above an underground labyrinth where the Nightbreed live called Midian. Your task is to save the Nightbreed. a race older than man, of
fantastic beings, shape-changers who are being attacked by man's jealousy in the form of the "Sons of the Free", an evil organization which come to destroy them - and you if they can.***
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  Ultra Games;Image Works (Unlimited Software)1990 20thcentury bossbattles cartoon city city-newyork-ny comic earth ingametitle latemodernperiod meleeweapons multiprotagonists mutantprotagonist mutants ninja ninjaprotagonist northamerica nunchucks rescue sai score sewers staves subterranean swords teenprotagonist teens thrownweapons tmnt underwater underwaterdiving walking labelimageminimize
Thunderbirds Grandslam (Teque)1989 submarines subterranean thunderbirds tvseries labelimageminimize
Journey to the Center of the Earth  Chip1988 19thcentury book julesverne subterranean subterraneanrealm uvl-confusable worldcore labelimageminimize
Rockford: The Arcade Game  Mastertronic (Icon Design)1988 boulderdashlike claiming digging instantdeath subterranean timelimit labelimageminimize
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny Origin1988 ♫rulebritannia blackpearls bows circadiancycle combatmode directionalforce-wind eviloverlord forest fromanotherworld garlic group inventory lawvsgood meleeweapons monsters otherworld riding shopping sorcery subterranean suppression swords town ultima ultimaageofenlightenment walking xp-kills
[1]***Comes on four 5.25 inch disks, 8 sides, optionally uses 2 drives.
Frost Byte  Mikro-Gen1987 score subterranean wintery labelimageminimize
Jack the Nipper II: In Coconut Capers Gremlin Graphics1987 africa babyprotagonist instantdeath jungle ladders nofalldamage platformer score subterranean labelimageminimize
Kettle Alligata1987 animateobjectprotagonist subterranean labelimageminimize
Wonder Boy Activision1987 birds bossbattles chiroptera did elevators fish forest frog island lives nofalldamage octopus platformer rescue score skateboard snails snakes spiders subterranean thrownweapons walking wonderboy labelimageminimize
CORE: Cybernetic Organism Recovery Expedition A'n'F Software;Bug-Byte1986 mine subterranean teleporters labelimageminimize
Gold  Wicked Software;Robtek1986 digging subterranean labelimageminimize
Hocus Focus Quicksilva (Binary Design)1986 subterranean labelimageminimize
Jenny of the Prairie Rhiannon Software1986 1840s 19thcentury 2ndmillennium 5.25disk cave difficulty exploration femaleauthor femaleprotagonist foxes hunger hunting indoors keyboard naturalistic needs outdoors past resourceharvesting score snakes subterranean wordinput labelimageminimize
A View to a Kill: The Computer Game  Domark1985 007 city-paris-fr falldamage mine movie subterranean timelimit labelimageminimize
Airwolf Elite;Entertainment & Computer Products (Elite)1985 aerodyne caveflying helicopter instantdeath rescue rotorcraft score subterranean tvseries labelimageminimize
Caverns of Death  Tronic Verlag1985 caveflying instantdeath lives subterranean timelimit labelimageminimize
Icicle Works Commodore1985 boulderdashlike digging score subterranean timelimit wintery labelimageminimize
Miner  author1985 digging subterranean labelimageminimize
The Caverns of Eriban  Firebird1985 caveflying fuel instantdeath lives subterranean
[57]***As the Pilot of a mine supply ship, your task is to enter the Caverns of Eriban to deliver supplies to the subterranean mining depots. On the planets surface are five supply depots with chequered yellow landing strips. If there is a white flashing light on top of the depot building you can land and collect five supplies and refuel your craft. Avoiding the many ancient defense mechanisms you must enter the caverns and deliver the supplies. Any mining installation requiring supplies will be displaying a red flashing light. Local flight control restrictions allow you to only land on the yellow landing strips. Once you have supplied five depots you will need to return to the surface to restock with supplies.
The Goonies Datasoft;U.S. Gold1985 city-astoria-or earth ladders lives movie multiprotagonists oregon score subterranean usa labelimageminimize
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar Origin1985 ♫rulebritannia adv-deeds adv-intermediary adv-objects adv-static aerostat alcohol amoeboids axes beggars beholders bizarrecreatures blackpearls bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows cannons captives capturedresources children chiroptera chosenone crossbows cyclopes dark-limited demonoids demons directionalforce directionalforce-wind dragons encounters-neutral encounters-popup encounters-seen europeanfae femaleprotagonist forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice ghosts giantinsects giantseahorses giantspiders gremlins group healingitems healingstations hiddenattributes horses hydrae inbuilttraps incendiarygrenades insects inventory karma knives lava liches lockpicking lutris magic magicweapons meleeweapons mimics monsters mystics neutralnpcs ocean orcs otherworld outlaws pirates polearms present rats refwizardofoz resting resuscitation riding river rodents ruins sailing sauroids scummvm-wip seaserpents shallowwater shopping shore skeletons slings snakes sorcery spectres staves subterranean swarmers swords teleporting thrownweapons tornados town traps treants tripeds trolls ultima ultimaageofenlightenment undead walking watercraft watercraft-medium wetland willowisps willowtrees windindicator wordinput xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi xp-objects
[48]***Ultima IV is an RPG like none other before or since. There is no final boss to defeat and no princess (or artifact) to liberate. Rather, this game puts you on an almost spiritual journey to improve yourself in eight 'virtues' - Humility, Spirituality, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honesty, and so on. Just about anything you can do in the game affects how you progress down this road: You must not steal, run from battles, or attack retreating enemies if you have any hope of winning the game. Once you have fully developed your eight virtues, you become the 'Avatar' - the embodiment of all that is good in Humanity - and the true nature of the quest is revealed. This unique RPG is definitely not for everybody, but it's still worth a try... especially for people who believe there can be nothing worthwhile in a video game.***Comes on two 5.25 inch disks, 4 sides, optionally supports 2 drives.
Underwurlde Ultimate Play The Game;Firebird (Softstone)1985 lives sabreman score subterranean labelimageminimize
Robot Odyssey I: Problem Solving Game Simon & Schuster (The Learning Company;Reliable Micro Systems)1984 adventureengine alternativesolutions ambientcreatures bizarrecreatures city controllablehelplessness difficultyspike edu-logic edu-programming elevators flipscreens framesynced fuel hard hypermobilefoes langinsignificant logic logicgates machinecivilization opensolutions pointertoggle programming publictransit pushwalls robotodyssey robots sewers stranded subterranean taskfailure walking SMRP: $49.95

This game may have only been offered as a Teacher's Edition meant for a classroom environment. And it may have been mail order only.
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth OziSoft;CRL1984 book exploration falldamage gameplayinn julesverne ledges platformer subterranean uvl-confusable labelimageminimize
Bagitman  Aardvark Action Software;Mogul Communications1984 ladders outlawprotagonist score subterranean labelimageminimize
Boulder Dash First Star Software1984 alone boulderdashlike cassette claiming digging subterranean timelimit wiivirtualconsole
[48]***Also released as part of the "Super Boulder Dash" compilation, which included the original "Boulder Dash" and its sequel "Boulder Dash II: Rockford's Revenge".***Originally released in 1984, Boulder Dash is one of the big computer-game classics. It is one of the very few computer games ever to be ported from home computers to arcades, not the other way around. The hero of the game is the brave prospector Rockford. He must dig through caves to collect diamonds while avoiding various types of dangerous creatures and obstacles such as falling rocks. He is in constant danger of being crushed or trapped by an avalanche or killed by an underground explosion. Strategy and planning are the keys to mastering Boulder Dash. Once enough jewels have been collected, the door to the mysterious escape tunnel is revealed and Rockford can explore another cave.
Gilligan's Gold Ocean1984 ladders lives score subterranean labelimageminimize
H.E.R.O.  Activision1984 alone caveflying chiroptera lives score spiders subterranean Desperate miners trapped!
Will these tunnels be their tombs?
Rod Hero is their last hope!
His Prop-pack powers him into the mine shafts - and peril!

Zap crazed creatures!

Demolish dead-ends with dynamite!

Lethal challenges on all sides - vile vermin...bubbling lava rivers...molten magma deposits...trailing tentacles...crushing walls!

Time eats away at power and ammo! Make your move!***
Montezuma's Revenge Parker Brothers1984 alone cemetery ladders lives mesoamerican-theme metroidvania montezumasrevenge-series score snakes spiders subterranean labelimageminimize
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns Activision1984 aerostat earth electriceels ending frog jumping latemodernperiod naturalistic pitfallseries primates retrypoints subterranean swimming underwaterdiving walking [b]AWESOME ADVENTURE[/b]

Join Pitfall Harry as he searches a vast subterranean cliff dwelling high in the Andes. He’s looking for the fabled Raj Diamond, gold bricks, his niece Rhonda and the cowardly lion Quickclaw. He finds more than he bargained for – eels, poisonous frogs, albino scorpions, bats, condors, a raging river – in the greatest challenge of his career!***
Sea Speller  Spinnaker Software;Fisher Price (Childware)1984 animalprotagonist submarine subterranean wordgame labelimageminimize
Spelunker Brøderbund1984 lives score spelunker-series subterranean titularcharacter labelimageminimize
Dig Dug  Datasoft;Atarisoft1983 aimdirlimit alone digdug digging lighthearted lives score subterranean labelimageminimize
Fire Ant Mogul Communications (Victory Software)1983 animalprotagonist ants insectprotagonist insects lives score subterranean labelimageminimize
Manic Miner Software Projects1983 ♫mountainking claiming disappearingplatforms falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath lives score subterranean timelimit walking willyminer Miner Willy, while prospecting down Surbiton way, stumbles upon an ancient, long forgotten mine-shaft. On further exploration, he finds evidence of a lost civilisation far superior to our own, which used automatons to dig beep into the Earth's core to supply the essential raw materials for their advanced industry. After centuries of peace and prosperity, the civilisation was torn apart by war, and
lapsed into a long dark age, abandoning their industry and machines. Nobody, however, thought to tell the mine robots to stop working, and through countless aeons they had steadily accumulated a huge stockpile of valuable metals and minerals, and Miner Willy realises that he now has the opportunity to make his fortune by finding the underground store.

In order to move to the next chamber, you must collect all the flashing keys in the room while avoiding nasties like POISONOUS PANSIES and SPIDERS and SLIME and worst of all, MANIC MINING ROBOTS. When you have all the keys, you can enter the portal which will now be flashing. The game ends when you have been 'got' or fallen heavily three times.***
O'Riley's Mine Datasoft;U.S. Gold (Datasoft)1983 5.25disk cassette claiming digging lives subterranean labelimageminimize
The Pit HesWare1983 score subterranean labelimageminimize
Miner 64  Wicked Software;Cursor Magazine;Robtek1982 digging platformreference subterranean The first version of this game was written in 1980 (a few years before the C64 was released), but can be played on the C64, because of the CBM-Basic-language it used. Over the years the game was re-released under several different names and languages. Most common version is the 1987 release from Wicked Software as "Miner 64". labelimageminimize